Available courses

MariLANG training course


Welcome to the online platform for MariLANG Maritime English training course.

What is MariLANG?

MariLANG s a strategic alliance of partners with expertise in Maritime English who have come together, with funding from the EU's Erasmus+ programme, to develop a set of assessment standards for the IMO’s new 2017 3.17 Maritime English Model Course.

MariLANG aims to bring the two worlds of the IMO and EU together and cross-reference their requirements (IMO Model Course and EU’s CEFR, EQF and ECVET frameworks) taking advantage of the outcomes of EU funded Maritime English MarTEL and MarTEL Plus and recent and other relevant projects such as MarENG, MarENG Plus and CAPTAINS to create a combined learning and assessment package with clear sign posts to all existing materials available Europe-wide.

The MariLANG training course is an Open Educational Resource (OER) and can be used by learners and teachers of Maritime English likewise.
All training material has been developed under a Creative Commons (CC) licence: CC BY-NC.

How to use the Marilang training course?

For each section (reading, writing, listening, speaking, SMCP) use the training materials to practise the designated skill. Once you are satisfied with your progress, complete the quiz.
Use the MariLANG training forum to discuss your training with your instructor/s and/or peer learners.


This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.